On our journey to America, two cousins also came along with my family. They both were teenagers when we left Vietnam. Last week’s article was about my cousin Anh Huy. This article will be about my cousin, Chú Thưởng. My cousins played a huge part in our journey. They are like […]
Ha Roda
In addition to my siblings, two cousins came along on the journey to America. Both cousins were teenagers at the time. They definitely remembered much more details than me. It was fun to interview them both and listened to their perspectives. This article will be about my cousin, Huy Bùi. […]
Mai Hương, My Oldest Sister Mai Hương meant the beautiful fragrance of a yellow flowering plant called Ochna or mickey-mouse plant. This is a special flower that symbolized the Lunar New Year and the beginning of spring. The flowers bloom during the Lunar New Year between the end of January […]
This Chapter is about my older sister, Kiều Hạnh, and her perspective. She remembers a little more than my younger siblings. Yes, my parents were pretty busy having children one year apart. My father wanted a boy so they kept trying until they had one. Kiều Hạnh Kiều Hạnh is […]
This chapter is about my two younger sisters’ perspectives. Similar to my brothers, both sisters were young. They remembered very little. They both shared with me as much as they could recall from their experiences. Minh Hiếu and Bạch Huệ Minh Hiếu was 6½ and Bạch Huệ was 8½ when […]
In this chapter, I shall be sharing my brothers’ perspectives during our travel to America. Both brothers were very young so they did not remember many things. I interviewed both. They both shared what they remembered to the best of their abilities. Mạnh Cường and Chí Cương Mạnh Cường was […]
Planning a trip to Vietnam was exciting and scary at the same time. I did not know if I have enough money to travel back. I just got a job in Los Angeles in January and had not saved up much yet. I shared with Chris, my husband, my wish […]
After three years of the cold weather in Illinois, my parents were ready for a warmer climate. It didn’t take much persuasion from my aunt who lived in Seguin, Texas. She said the weather was much warmer and there were more jobs with better pay. Living in the icy snow […]
I was here in America because of circumstances. If Vietnam was a peaceful place, the thought of leaving would never come up in a million years. My family was not any different from any other family. When sink or swim was put to the test, we rose to the occasion. […]
From 1975 to about 1996, more than 500,000 boat people reportedly stayed at different refugee camps while a guess estimate of between 200,000 and 400,000 (10 to 70%) Vietnamese boat people perished on the high seas. Many boat people faced storms, diseases, starvation, and pirates. Often refugee boats were attacked […]