Vietnamese Interpreter, Food Demonstrator, Rock Climber

My Journey to America – Going Back to Vietnam

A Mother’s Unconditional Love

There’s a song in Vietnamese saying “Lòng mẹ bao la như biển thái bình.” Link to the song. The love of the mother is so huge as the pacific ocean and so big as mountains. The mother’s love could move mountains. This song brought me to tears every time I sang or listen to it. I am so lucky to discover this while my parents are still alive. I still show them and exhibit to them how much I do love them back through my visits, my hugs, my words, and raising my children in a way of respecting them, respecting my heritage, and respecting my ancestors. Those are some ways for me to show my love of affinity to my parents and Mẹ Ðức. Also, writing this book passes on their messages, their love, and their legacy.

Do you ever have a feeling where you say to yourself “My mother does not understand me. She doesn’t care. There are so many other children already or she has better things to do. She doesn’t love me. She never showed it.” Well, I am sure it was there at one time when I was younger. I understand now those are the feelings I had because I did not get my way or what I want when my parents said “no” or turned me down. They have their reasons because of their experience but they choose not to say. They don’t have to explain it to me. Why do they need to? They don’t. That’s just it. I thought I knew it all yet I don’t. Now I figure that I am just beginning to learn.

My mom showed her love through food, through her actions, and not words. I finally figured out that everyone has their own way of showing love, giving love, and receiving love. My sister introduced to me a book called “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. The book resonates with me. Some people show love through hugs, some are gifts, some are food, etc. Affections such as kisses, hugs, and words are not the only way. Wow, so much opened up to me when I recognized that. I was truly able to see and appreciate what the love my mom had to offer to me as I am older now.

Now, the “Lòng Mẹ” song rings so true in my head. I understand because I have children of my own. My hope is to pass on the same unconditional love that I learned from Bố and Mẹ Ðức and my parents to my children. I can repay them back by taking care of myself, doing well, loving and taking care of my children, and passing on my parents’ legacy.

Traveled Vietnam

We had an opportunity to drive from Sài Gòn, now known as Hồ Chí Minh city, to Hà Nội and back. On the way, we stopped at Ðà Lạt, Huế, the DMZ, and Thái Bình. The road was old and worn out from the war. There was only one main road from the south to the north, Ðường 1 which means road #1.

Sài Gòn was crowded and dirty. The streets were filled with homemade gas stations on almost all the major corners. Smoke and fumes were stagnant in the air. If you ride your motorcycle in the street, it would be useful to have a mask over your nose and mouth to help protect you from the engine fumes. I noticed my boogers were black after I blew my nose. This happens every time I rode around the city on a motorcycle with Chris. I didn’t cover my nose and mouth from the fumes.

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